(第二集 尋找聲音的腦內旅程 Episode 2 Power of Sound and Hearing)
當聲波來到中耳,振動耳膜,會觸動三塊聽小骨,也是人體中最小的骨骼。聲波經過調節後,傳給內耳耳蝸。耳蝸中的毛細胞長滿了無數纖毛,能靈敏地感應從中耳送進來的震動,並將它轉換成訊號,經由神經,不斷地向大腦傳遞。這些訊號,最後來到大腦的聽覺皮質,讓人真正地「聽」到聲音。Sound waves reaching the ear's center vibrate the eardrum and the three ossicles. These are the smallest bones in the human body. After the sound waves are regulated they're sent to the cochlea.
一般人的大腦,能聽見的聲音頻率,遠比五線譜來得細緻。但是,東明相卻沒有這麼幸運。In general, the human brain can hear sound frequencies finer than that of musical notation. However, Dong Ming-Xiang isn't so lucky.
台灣布農族人胡森雄:每個吼他會有很簡單的吼的音階,不會太複雜。譬如說,喂。對方就聽到這可能是一個問候。我們會再加自己的,喂,意思說再急促一點,要他注意注意我這邊。吸氣的時候,幾乎肚子是鼓出來的,吐氣講話的時候是完全擠壓出去的,喉嚨只是一個輔助而已。Taiwanese Bunun Hu Sen-Hsiung: “What's more, each yell
has a very simple musical scale. It won't be too complicated. For example, the person hears
this and knows it's a greeting. Or say…we add our own sound. This means it's a
little more urgent. It implies they should pay attention to me over here. When
you inhale the stomach should swell. When you exhale to speak. The air is
completely squeezed out. The throat merely assists nothing more.”
楊治勇 : 我為什麼說一開始會覺得滿訝異的,他可以發(音)那麼好,因為很多如果是先天性的小孩子的話,依照他這個聽力圖,可能就只打手語了。那目前為止可以幫他的部分,第一步當然是讓他可以開始,聽到他之前聽不到的聲音。Neo : At the outset, I was so surprised he had such good pronunciation.
Because many congenitally deaf children who have similar audiograms can only
use sign language. The area we can help with at the moment the first step is to
help him begin hearing sounds that were inaudible before.
耳蝸的外側負責處理高頻,內側則處理低頻,讓我們聽到的聲音豐富而多樣。但因為耳蝸外側的毛細胞,較容易受損,所以許多聽損者,或是聽力退化的老人家,最先聽不到的,就是四千到八千赫茲的高頻音。The outer cochlea is responsible for handling high frequencies. The
inner cochlea handles low frequencies. This allows us to hear a diverse
spectrum of sounds. But because the outer hair cell cilia are more easily
damaged many hearing impaired people and elderly people suffering from hearing
loss first start to lose their hearing of high frequencies between 4,000 and
8,000 Hz.
為了讓東明相親耳聽到,具有穿透力的歌聲,我們特地安排了一次戶外的VIP歌友會。這次東明相終於可以近距離,向她請教唱歌的方法。To let Dong Ming-Xiang hear for himself what it's like to possess such a
powerful voice we set up an exclusive meeting with his idol. Dong Ming-Xiang
can experience first hand and ask about her singing methods.
放眼全世界,音樂能跨過各種語言形式,直接跟大腦溝通。不論你身在何處,只要生活中有音樂,就能讓人暫時忘卻煩憂。在巴黎,科學家也運用這個特性,為病患進行心理治療。Capucine Demnard是音樂輔助心理療法的專家,用音樂來幫助病患改善情緒,已有八年經驗。她特地讓我們參與這次治療過程。Looking around the world music can cross all languages
and directly communicate with the brain. No matter where we are as long as life
has music people can temporarily forget their worries. In Paris scientists
are using similar principles to treat sufferers of mental illness. Capucine
Demnard is a specialist in music-assisted psychotherapy. She's been helping
patients with mood improvement for over 8 years. She invited us to participate
in her current treatment process.
在阿茲罕默症的治療過程中,教授刻意演奏老歌的變奏版,讓病人覺得這旋律似曾相識,驅使他們在腦中不斷尋找記憶裡相似的聲音,同時也活化了神經元之間的連結。法國認知心理學教授Emmanuel Bigand:我們現在能做的就是當疾病去襲擊腦細胞的時候,有一部分是直接損傷的,還有一部分是周圍間接受牽連的,我們能嘗試用音樂去重新啟動那些間接受牽連的部分。所以說我們不能建造一些新的東西,但是我們可以減緩疾病帶來的損傷。Emmanuel Bigand:In the course of Alzheimer's treatment, the professor
deliberately plays variations of the old songs. This makes the patients
feel the song is familiar and forces the brain to search for similar
sounds in the memory thus activating the neural network. Emmanuel Bigand is a professor of Cognitive Psychology at the University of Burgundy:What we are doing now
is, when the disease attacks the brain cells a part is directly injured and a
part in the surrounding area is also affected. We use music to try and restart
the surrounding areas affected. We can't build anything new but we can slow
down damage caused by the disease.
為了更了解音樂為什麼能打動人心。我們找來了三位受測者,一邊聽紀曉君的歌,同時進行腦部掃描。In order to better understand why music moves people.
We've gathered together three subjects. They'll be listening to Ji Hsiao-Jun's
music while simultaneously having their brains scanned.
實驗結果出爐,蔡振家教授正在向紀曉君分析,她的歌聲,為什麼能感動人。Results from the experiment are ready Prof. Tsai Chen-Gia is in the
process of explaining to Ji Hsiao-Jun why her voice moves people.
澳洲聽力師Peter McKinnon Ph.D.:現在的科技,可以很容易把背景雜音去除。但對這個個案來說,音樂非常重要。所以非常重要的是,把助聽器設定成盡量讓音樂的聲音很自然。他拿到的新助聽器,我們有新的技術可以做到這點。新的助聽器把聲音分成48個頻道,可以產生高品質的聲音,它可以運算的頻寬,超越傳統助聽器。Peter McKinnon Ph.D., Australia: The technology
these days is very good at filtering out background extraneous noise. But in
the case of the client music is also extremely important. It's very important
that the hearing aid is set up so the music sounds as natural as possible. And
with the hearing aid he's using we have the technology to achieve that. The
hearing aid is processing sound in 48 channels or bands so it's producing high
quality sound. It's also processing the sound with a lot wider band than a
traditional hearing aid.
臺灣大學音樂研究所蔡振家教授:跟一般人比起來,東明相的腦島是比較活化的,在唱歌的時候,他比一般人更注重咽喉這邊傳來的感覺。因為對阿東來講,這是很重要的一種振動的訊息,所以他有可能就用聽覺區去處理這種振動。但是一般人是不會這樣子做的。Prof. Tsai Chen-Gia, Graduate Institute of Musicology,
NTU. Compared with most people, Dong Ming-Xiang's insular cortex is
considerably more active. When singing in comparison to most people he's far
more aware of his throat and the feeling there. As far as he's concerned, it's
a very important vibrational message. So he'll probably use the auditory
cortex to deal with this vibration. But most people don't do it like this.
蔡振家教授:東明相在唱歌的時候,比一般人更為費力,他整個大腦有很多區塊是密切地跟這個運動區做互動,很辛苦地要完成唱歌這件事情。他在摸喇叭的時候,聽覺皮質跟初級運動皮質之間,共同活化,也就是功能性的聯結。所以有可能他的聽覺皮質,是接收了喇叭傳來的震動,它是一個觸覺上的震動,然後藉由這個訊息,來跟他自己唱歌的運動方式,做一個比對或整合。Prof. Tsai Chen-Gia: While singing Dong Ming-Xiang expends more energy than most. There are many areas in his brain that closely interact with the motor cortex. He must really labor to accomplish the act of singing. When he was touching the loudspeaker between the auditory cortex and the primary motor cortex there was joint activation a functional link. So it's possible, his auditory cortex receives vibrations from the speaker. It's a tactile vibration and through these messages together with his singing the more active part he works out a comparative integration.
(第三集 飲食饗宴的腦內旅程 Episode 3 Power of Food and Eating)
巴黎,歐陸最大的城市之一,浪漫的花都,繼承了希臘、地中海一帶的飲食歷史,並融入奢華的宮廷菜系,發展出精緻優雅的法式餐飲文化。台北,位在東亞邊緣,臨近太平洋的小島城市,這裡熱鬧、擁擠,吸納來自中國、日本等地的料理方式,融合成精彩多樣的飲食風貌。 Paris, one of the biggest cities in Europe.
This exuberant, romantic city inheriting the Greek and Mediterranean cuisines,
assimilating them into a lavish culinary system. This developed into the
exquisite French cuisine. Taipei is located in Eastern Asia, close to the
Pacific ocean. It's bustling and crowded. Cuisines from China, Japan and other
places have fused into a rich and varied food culture.
來自法國的馬修,跟來自台灣的Alice,懷著對異國風情的嚮往,來到對方的國度,他們將尋找彼此口中懷念的家鄉味,測試嗅覺、味覺的極限。Mathieu is from
France. Alice is from Taiwan. Passionate about foreign cultures, they've decided to visit each other's countries.
They'll be searching for the flavors from each
other's homeland. They'll be tested on their sense of smell and taste.
榮總陳志彥醫師:內分泌神經傳導系統,好像是一個我們在打電話一樣,一個很特別的網路一樣,那它最主要作用在側腦室跟第三腦室中間有個弓狀核,弓狀核上面有很多飢餓激素的受體,於是弓狀核活躍。The endocrine system is like making a telephone call.
It's like a very special internet system. Lying between the lateral and third
ventricles, the arcuate nucleus plays an important role in this system. Above
the arcuate nucleus are many hunger hormone receptors. So the arcuate nucleus
is very active.
人們常說的「想念的味道」,並不只是味道,而是跟那個味道相連的整個記憶,或生活經驗。就在兩人喝著果汁聊天的同時,Dr. Claire博士其實正悄悄地進行一次實驗。To "miss the
taste" of something isn't just about the flavor. It's related to the whole
memory attached to the flavor. As they chat and drink fruit juice the professor
Claire conducts an experiment.
幾天後,Alice進行一次味覺與記憶的實驗。博士準備了六杯果汁,其中,有兩杯是她幾天前喝過的。另外四杯當中,有兩杯甜度不同,還有兩杯則是口味不同。A few days later, Alice goes to take part in a memory taste test.
Professor prepares 6 cups of fruit juice. Two of the cups contain the juice
they drank a few days ago. From the other 4 cups, two of the cups are sweeter,
and two have a different flavor.
要比吃臭食物,法國絕對不輸人,光是乳酪,巴黎就可以看到四五百種,平均每人一年可以吃掉23公斤,但是馬修一定沒料到,早就被臭豆腐訓練過的Alice,對臭乳酪根本就免疫了。In terms of stinky food, the French are second to none. For cheese alone Paris has 4 - 5 hundred kinds. On average, each person eats 23 kg annually. But Mathieu didn't anticipate, that Alice's stinky tofu training would give her immunity to such cheeses.
果蠅腦神經細胞的數目大概就十萬顆左右,相較於人腦動輒上千億顆來說,它其實就是一個非常簡單的一個器官。The brains' of fruit flies have around 100,000 nerve cells. Compared to the 100 billion cells in humans it's actually a very simple organ.
Can people's preferences of flavor really change by learning? To better understand this mystery, scientist Dr. Wu is using fruit flies to understand how olfactory memory is formed.
法國Kahila醫師:大腦裡面有酬賞系統,就是中腦皮質邊緣多巴胺系統。這個系統會分泌多巴胺,同時也受控於其他的神經調節器,像是谷氨酸。在正常情況下,我們吃,我們吃完,系統關閉。可是在上癮的情況下,這個系統永遠不會關閉。French Dr. Kahila : The brain possesses a reward system. This is the
dopamine system in the cerebral cortex. This system secretes dopamine, and also
controls other neuromodulators; like glutamate. Under normal circumstances,
after we finish eating the system closes. But in the case of addiction the
system never closes.
許醫師說: 一般人的嗅覺在55歲左右就會開始退化。Dr. Shu says that the average person's sense of smell
begins deteriorating at around 55 years of age.
但是阿發師絲毫沒有受到年齡的影響,他的鼻子比年輕人還靈!But Master Ah-fa hasn't been affected by this. His nose is more sensitive than the average young person.
廚師要為人們創造出美好的飲食體驗,就必須全面地感動大腦! 回到廚房,馬修決定要學會一道台灣料理,阿發師開出的菜單是 : 茶葉燻鱸魚。To create an amazing
culinary experience, chefs must stimulate the whole brain. Back in the kitchen,
Mathieu decides to learn a Taiwanese dish. The dish on Master Ah-fa's menu\\is
tealeaf-smoked sea bass.
(第一集 藝術大師的腦內旅程 Episode 1 Power of Body and Movement)
With all those years ahead, it makes sense to shake it, or at least shake up your imagination...and get that brain moving! In a complex but ever-changing process, life is made manifest through the brain and our senses.
Dr. Corinne Jola。英國編舞家,同時也是認知神經學家。從2006年開始,就和舞團合作,進行以舞蹈為主題的認知神經研究。
Dr. Corinne Jola is a neuroscientist, as well as a trained choreographer in England. She’s been collaborating with the Emio Greco/PC Dance Company for several years.
This system of meditating, kung fu, and drumming doesn’t only produce changes in muscle durability, but also in the brain.
Hsung Chung-Hwa looked at the artwork of Dunhuang from a dancer’s point of view, concentrating on the postures, clothing and expressions. The visit transpired into a profoundly inspiring experience.
This is the first time that Prof. Hong and his team have worked with someone like Master Dan, who has meditated for so many years. After the experiment, Master Dan confirmed that he does experience great joy and relaxation from drumming.
Researches asked the three subjects to watch a piece of video footage, and actually imagine they were performing in it! So what will their brains reveal?
Regular training can boost synaptic connections in the brain, increasing both our speed and accuracy.
謝仁俊教授: 如何在一個快速有效的系統整合之下, 能夠執行那麼多龐大的資訊處理, 最後能夠呈現出來這種意境, 是一個非常了不得的腦部功能。最重要的, 透過這樣的傳達, 能夠展現出一種動物所沒有的美, 一種美學的感受, 或者一種經驗, 這個才是真正我們希望了解的一種奧秘。
Prof. Hsieh,Jen-Chuen: How are these areas of the brain able to process such//huge amounts of information at such incredible speed, and then give birth to such//creative work? It’s an amazing function of our brains! But most importantly, through this we’re able to do something no other creature can do.This ability to convey our feelings through a performance or art is something unique to human beings, a mystery that we wish to uncover.
阿襌師父: 剛開始打坐的時候, 我們一定會經驗到, 念頭的胡思亂想, 我也是一樣的, 然後有些情緒的東西也冒出來, 甚至身體的一些變化也會出來。
Master Dan, U-Theatre :When we first learn to meditate, everyone’s mind wanders. That’s very natural. I was exactly the same. Not only would thoughts//continually arise in my mind but emotions would also come up.
Meditation produces not only physiological changes, research shows that it can even change the way our brain functions.